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1. 1998-2002,北京大学本科,化学专业,获理学学士学位

2. 2002-2008,美国罗切斯特大学研究生,化学专业,获哲学博士学位

3. 2008-2011,美国加州大学戴维斯分校博士后,生物光子学专业



1. 2011-2015,美国加州大学戴维斯分校,生物化学与分子医学系,副研究员

2. 2016-2018,bevictor伟德官网,bevictor伟德官网,研究员

3. 2019 至今bevictor伟德官网,bevictor伟德官网,教授



1. 必修课:化学分析(分析化学上)、仪器分析(分析化学下)、新生研讨

2. 选修课:光谱分析(研究生)、创新化学实验(本科生)



1. 环境分析化学、环境界面化学、细胞生物化学

2. 原位光谱/电化学分析分子内增强拉曼散射光谱,高灵敏快速多色拉曼成像

3. 功能材料、受限水、气溶胶微纳界面化学测量,细胞分子间作用力测量


1. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目223760732024-2027

2. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目220760582021-2024

3. 主持国家自然科学基金青年项目216050542017-2019

4. 主持中央高校基本科研业务费交叉科学研究平台项目,2024-2025

5. 主持中央高校基本科研业务费科学技术发展研究院专项,2016-2017


1.W. Ma#, C. He#, C. Sheng, G. Zhang, J. Pan, Y. Tang, J. Wang*, T. Gao*, Bead-based spontaneous Raman codes for multiplex immunoassay, Analytica Chimca Acta 2024, 342813.

2. Y. Tang*, X. Zheng, T. Gao*, Orthogonal Combinatorial Raman Codes Enable Rapid High-Throughput-Out Library Screening of Cell-Targeting Ligands. Research 2023, 6, 0136.

3. S. Cao, G. Zhan, K. Wei, B. Zhou, H. Zhang, T. Gao*, L. Zhang*, Raman spectroscopic and microscopic monitoring of on-site and in-situ remediation dynamics in petroleum contaminated soil and groundwater. Water Research 2023, 233, 119777.

4 Y. Yu#, Y. Tang#, K. Chu, T. Gao*, Z. J. Smith*, High-Resolution Low-Power Hyperspectral Line-Scan Imaging of Fast Cellular Dynamics Using Azo-Enhanced Raman Scattering Probes. Journal of American Chemical Society 2022, 144(33), 15314-15323.

5. M. Li, Y. Tang, R. Zhao, T. Gao*, L. Zhang, Rapid ultrasensitive detection of hexavalent chromium in soil and groundwater by a microProbing imaging platform. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2022, 433, 128809.

6. Y. Tang*, Y. Zhuang, S. Zhang, Z. J. Smith, Y. Li, X. Mu, M. Li, C. He, X. Zheng, F. Pan, T. Gao*, L. Zhang, Azo-enhanced Raman Scattering for Enhancing the Sensitivity and Tuning the Frequency of Molecular Vibrations. ACS Central Science 2021, 7(5), 768-780.

7. Y. Tang*, X. Chen, S. Zhang, Z. J. Smith, T. Gao*, Vibrational Fingerprint Analysis of an Azo-based Resonance Raman Probe for Imaging Proton Distribution in Cellular Lysosomes. Analytical Chemistry 2021, 93(47), 15659-15666.

8. Y. Chen, X. Chen, M. Li, P. Fan, B. Wang, S. Zhao, W. Yu, S. Zhang, Y. Tang, T. Gao*, A new analytical platform for potential point-of-care testing of circulating tumor cells. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2021, 171, 112718.

9. Y. Tang*, C. He, X. Zheng, X. Chen, T. Gao*, Super-capacity Information-carrying Systems Encoded with Spontaneous Raman Scattering. Chemical Science 2020, 11, 3096-3103.

10. Y. Tang, Y. Thillier, R. Liu, X. Li, K. S. Lam, T. Gao*, Single-Bead Quantification of Peptide Loading Distribution for One-Bead One-Compound Library Synthesis Using Confocal Raman Spectroscopy,  Analytical Chemistry 2017, 89(13), 7000-7008.