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Associate Professor

    Zhu Cuiju

    Curriculum Vitae Chinese Version  (中文版)

    Personal   Information


    Cuiju Zhu

    Date of Birth:


    Place of Birth:

    Jianli, Hubei (P. R. China.)






    Academic   Education


    PhD   Candidate in Organic Chemistry

    Institut für   Organische und Biomolekulare Chemie,

    Georg-August-Universität   Göttingen

    Supervisor:   Prof. Dr. Lutz Ackermann



    M. Sc. in Organic Chemistry

    Fujian   Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, Chinese Academy of Sciences

    Supervisor:   Prof. Dr. Weiping Su



    B.Sc. in Chemistry

    Department of Chemistry

    Sichuan Normal University

    Professional   Experience


    Associate Professor

    Central China   Normal University


    Post-doctoral Fellow

    Institut für Organische   und Biomolekulare Chemie,

    Georg-August-Universität   Göttingen

    Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Lutz Ackermann


    Honors   and Awards  

    2014                National Scholarship, Chinese Academy of Science

    2013                Merit Student Honor, Chinese Academy of Science



    1.      Cuiju Zhu,' N. W. J. Ang,' T. H. Meyer, Y. Qiu, Lutz Ackermann*, Organic Electrochemistry: Molecular Syntheses with Potential, ACS Cent. Sci. 2021,7, 415-431.

    2.      Cuiju Zhu, Rositha Kuniyil, and Lutz Ackermann*, Manganese(I)-Catalyzed C–H Activation/Diels-Alder/retro-Diels-Alder Domino Alkyne Annulation by Transformable Pyridines, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 5388-5342. (highlighted in Synfacts 2019, 15 (06): 0621)

    3.      Cuiju Zhu, R. Kuniyil, B. B. Jei and Lutz Ackermann*, Domino C–H Activation/Directing Group Migration/Alkyne Annulation: Unique Selectivity by d6-Cobalt(III) Catalysts, ACS Catal. 2020, 10, 4444-4450.

    4.      Cuiju Zhu, J. C. A. Oliveira, Z. Shen, H. Huang, L. Ackermann*, Manganese(II/III/I)-Catalyzed C–H Arylations in Continuous Flow, ACS Catal. 2018, 8, 4402-4407.

    5.      Youai Qiu,' Cuiju Zhu,' Lutz Ackermann*, Rhodaelectro-Catalyzed C–H and C–C Activation, CCS Chem. 2020. 2, 1529-1552. (Both authors contributed equally)

    6.      Cuiju Zhu, M. Stangier, J. C. A. Oliveira, L. Massignan and Lutz Ackermann*, Iron-Electro-Catalyzed C–H Arylations: Mechanistic Insights In to Oxidation-Induced Reductive Elimination through Spectroscopy, CV, and Computation for Ferraelectrocatalysis, Chem. Eur. J. 2019, 25, 16382-16389. (highlighted in Synfacts 03032020, 16(03), 0293

    7.      R. Mei,' Cuiju Zhu,' L. Ackermann*, Ruthenium(II)-Catalyzed C-H Functionalizations on Benzoic Acids with Aryl, Alkenyl and Alkynyl Halides by Weak-O-Coordination, Chem. Commun. 2016, 52, 13171-13174. (Both authors contributed equally)

    8.      Y. Yang,' Cuiju Zhu,' M. Zhang, S. Huang, J. Lin, X. Pan, W. Su*, Condensation of anthranilic acids with pyridines to furnish pyridoquinazolones via pyridine dearomatization, Chem. Commun. 2016, 52, 12869-12872. (Both authors contributed equally)

    9.      Cuiju Zhu, Y. Zhang, H. Zhao, S. Huang, M. Zhang*, W. Su*, Sodium Iodide-Catalyzed Direct α-Alkoxylation of Ketones with Alcohols via Oxidation of α-Iodo Ketone Intermediates, Adv. Synth. Catal. 2015, 357, 331-338.

    10.  Z. Shen, H. Huang, Cuiju Zhu, S. Warratz, L. Ackermann*, MnCl2-Catalyzed C–H Alkylation on Azine Heterocycles, Org. Lett. 2019, 21, 571-574.

    11.  F. Fumagalli, S. Warratz, S.-K. Zhang, T. Rogge, Cuiju Zhu, A. C. Stückl, L. Ackermann*, Arene-Ligand-free Ruthenium(II/III) Manifold for meta-C–H Alkylation: Remote Purine Diversification, Chem. Eur. J. 2018, 24, 3984-3988.

    12.  Z. Ruan,' S.-K. Zhang,' Cuiju Zhu, P. N. Ruth, D. Stalke, L. Ackermann*, Ruthenium(II)-Catalyzed meta C-H Mono- and Difluoromethylations by Phosphine/Carboxylate Cooperation, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 2045-2049.

    13.  S. Warratz, D. J. Burns, Cuiju Zhu, K. Korvorapun, T. Rogge, J. Scholz, C. Jooss, D. Gelman, L. Ackermann*, meta-C-H Bromination on Purine Bases by Heterogeneous Ruthenium Catalysis, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 1557-1560.


    Research   Interests

    Sustainable organometallic chemistry

    Electrochemical asymmetric synthesis

    Address: Wuhan city Hongshan District Luoyu Road No. 152 Chemical building of Central China Normal University 430079 Tel: 027-67867955 Copyright 2015 - 2020 bevictor伟德官网(中国)股份有限公司 -Unique Platform